Sunday, August 25, 2013

We Can't "Mask" Our Excitement!

The past seven and a half school days have been quite busy.  The children are beginning to settle in to our routines and our schedules. Now, WE are all still exhausted each evening.  Our days are full and expectations are high.  Things will get easier as they build up their stamina and the routines become more "natural".

I have 17 adorable little friends in class who have already made me laugh out loud with their own brand of humor.  I am going to learn as much from this year as they do.  Can't wait!

Our storybook friend Chester, from The Kissing Hand was our inspiration for the first of many 
headbands this year : )

Monday, August 5, 2013

"I'm so excited...and I just can't hide it!"

A new year and a new bunch of friends - parents and students!  I can't wait to meet all of my people who will be a huge part of my life this year.  Some will be eager, others hesitant...some of those younger and others older.  I may be blessed to have a child of a child.... (a former students child).  Doesn't really matter.  What matters is that each child will learn that they are accepted, challenged, and loved.  (I know, I know...I am sort of a dork but so passionate about what I do!).  I can't wait!  See all of my old buddies and my new friends very soon!